Damage to shingle roofs

Roof damage Prolonged exposure?
Some elements can be tough on your roofs. Prolonged exposure to weather and extreme temperatures can cause damage and lead to costly problems for your home or business.

Roof damage Prolonged exposure?
Roof damage Prolonged exposure?

7 tips for repairs and prevention
In this article, we've researched and listed 7 types of damage that can be done to shingles, along with prevention and treatment tips for each problem!


Cracks (thermal)


suction cups


Hail bruise

Manufacturing defect

Gas migrates to the surface of the shingles
Blisters: Blisters are caused by the expansion of volatile gases escaping from the asphalt layer. The gas migrates to the surface of the shingles, eventually causing erosion and blistering on the top.

Prevention: Make sure your roof is well ventilated and that shingles are not installed over wet surfaces, such as wet felt or roof decking.

Treatment: There is no way to stop the blisters once they start to occur. Eventually, the roof will need to be replaced. If the blisters are severe, where they open and expose the shingle mat, the shingle mat will need to be replaced immediately.

Asphalt shingle mat drying out
Cracks (thermal): Cracks are the result of the asphalt shingle mat drying out over time, causing the mat to shrink and the surface to crack. Shingles that exhibit this only a few years after installation may indicate a manufacturing defect in the shingle.

Prevention: Cracks occur due to age and normal wear and tear, so they are difficult to prevent.

Treatment: Cracks are very common on shingle roofs and are generally harmless. When shingles show craze cracks, they don't necessarily need to be treated or replaced.

Curling a possible damage to your roof
Curling: Curling occurs when the shingles on your roof begin to lift and curl around the perimeter of the shingle.

Prevention: Make sure your roof is properly ventilated. Roofs that have an extra layer installed on top of the pre-existing layer are more likely to roll up.

Treatment: You can apply additional sealer to the underside of the shingles in the corner where the curling occurs to seal it to the roof surface.

Other damage to shingle roofs
Suction Cups: Suction cups occur when the shingles start to be concave from the middle, causing waves or suction cups in the appearance of the shingle. Suction cups are typically caused by age-related wear and tear on an asphalt or organic shingle roof.

Prevention: Make sure your roof is well ventilated and that shingles are replaced when their life is exceeded.

Treatment: When sucking occurs, it means it's time to replace the roof

Chipping: Chipping is the deterioration of the roof's surface, which is usually caused by the weathering of the shingle due to extreme age.

Prevention: Replace your roof when its life is over.

Treatment: When chipping occurs, it is a sign that the roof should have been replaced, many years ago.

Hail bruise : Hail bruise occurs when hailstones damage the surface and mat of the shingles, compromising the shingle's water-draining ability.

Prevention: Besides living in an area where hailstorms roof spray seal are less frequent, there is no way to prevent this type of damage.

Treatment: Replace damaged shingles or the entire roof, depending on the extent of the damage. This type of roof damage is covered by most sealant spray standard home insurance policies.

Manufacturer's Defect: A manufacturer's defect is a problem caused during the manufacturing process that causes a defect in the shingle.

Prevention: Unfortunately, this happens from time to time.

Treatment: spray and seal You can contact the shingle manufacturer for their defect handling policy. Some companies may be willing to pro-rate you for the life of the shingle if there is a warranty and it is covered by the manufacturer's policy.

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